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Thursday, March 31, 2011

How we are...

MMMMkay... So everyone is asking for an update, so here you go...

Sophie is doing well. We are waiting for her next series of scans in the first part of April when she goes back to the Cancer Center. We are praying that her little body is lesion free and that all the scans are NORMAL! And, her headaches are better with the medication that the neurologist put her on. They called and scheduled her sleep study today. That should give us more answers relating to the fatigue issues.

She is amazing and watching her and her baby brother interact seriously warms my heart and makes me overflow with joy! She's an amazing big sister and has also managed an A/B average in spite of everything that's happened and even having been out of school a lot this semester. She even learned to swim this Spring (with the devotion of a loving grandma and a great swim coach).
My big boy!

I saw this (Aiden's birth announcement) on the bulletin board at my Dr's office today) It's hard to believe he was ever so small. It's two years ago exactly tomorrow that I was first hospitalized with him.
Aiden is walking and talking and exploring things like a normal two year old. Though he struggles sometimes with fatigue and sleeps more than a normal child due to the medications he is on, he's thriving. He knows so many words now. He loves to walk outside and play at the park. His favorite TV show by far is Sesame Street. He adores the segments with Elmo and he can name all of the characters in the show. Much of the names come out in two year-old speak, but those closest to him know what he means...

As for me, I am still having issues, but will hopefully get to see the end of these symptoms soon...

Goodnight friends,

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