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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quickie Update...

As you may have already heard, Sophie has had to have yet another biopsy on this past Monday (2/21) of the skin on her back... They are testing to see whether the LCH has spread to her skin, meaning at that point it has gone multi-system. As far as symptoms, she feels very sluggish... Has a low grade temp and the rash is migraotry, one day it's bad on her arms, then her face, then her back, then her legs. She's very puffy and quite uncomfortable. If this biopsy comes back positive, she will indeed need chemo. I just want her to be comfortable, and she's just not. Thank you for your continued prayers. We should know something Friday or Monday.

Talk to you soon, J

This was taken this fall, just after "ouchie" first appeared. She looks so happy!

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