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Friday, April 15, 2011

Heaviness and perspective...

I am having a tough time dealing with the gravity and potential permanence of Sophie's diagnosis. We are new to this, but I am having trouble keeping focused on the "one day at a time" mentality, and frankly sometimes just want to be mad at someone for doing this to her, but there's no one to be mad at. It's just hard not knowing what the future holds for us.

The doctors office called me back today and said that they wouldn't know anything 'til Monday. The nurse did say that she hoped that we would get good news. I am trying not to read too much into anything they say. Who knows if the counts were up or not or if the CT or MRI's showed anything or not. But, I'm praying for that too! I can appreciate the need for the chief doctor on our case to take time to go and speak and raise awareness for Histiocytosis. He's a really good guy and I think he genuinely wants to help these kids. He's got to have a passion for helping, otherwise, he certainly wouldn't be in the business of helping Histio kids.

I will keep it short and sweet tonight, but I wanted to check in and just say a few quick things and then I'm tuning in to watch an old George Carlin special. That guy cracks me up! And, tonight I think I really do need a laugh. And, tonight I thank God for YOU, friends, who give us a boost with your kindness. Thanks again for reading. Enjoy your weekend!

Goodnight friends,

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