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Monday, October 10, 2011

We have to do WHAT?? (and an update on the kids)

We have to do WHAT? A marriage class? But we've done this before! lol

I want to start tonight by saying, I have the most amazing fiance in the world. He has had to endure so much with us this year. From Histiocytosis ( that appeared in my daughter's system, literally days after we met, to Epilepsy and immune system issues with my son, the AWESOME Mr. P gets his name from being my rock, my fortress and the man I truly truly respect and look up to. He exhibits such grace and class and is a calming force in times of trial, and lately we've really seen our share... And he's romantic and loving and kind to my children, he has a heart for God and is more than I ever could have dreamed to find. I am blessed to know him. It has been one year today since the day we met, and I am a better person having him by my side. I can't wait to become the Awesome Mrs. P!

So, with some trepidation, I enrolled. I had no idea how this would work; the Awesome Mr. P in another city, and me in Houston, but we'd give it a shot. We were both committed and wanted to be certain we were prepared in every way to walk down the aisle next June. So, we did it. I talked to the director of the class to be sure that doing the Skype thing would be alright with everyone, and they agreed. The Awesome Mr. P and the Future Mrs. P (that's me) would both be going through this journey toward marriage, even though we would have to work out the technical side of the course as we went along.

The course we are studying is called Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs. I read through my workbook that first night, just to be SURE that what he was saying was going to go in line with what I wanted for MY marriage. It makes me laugh now, because I was being such a girl. MY marriage? REALLY? I am certainly NOT the kind of girl that wants to wear the pants, and there I was trying to take control of the situation, and what I needed to think about was how I was going to LET Mr. P take the reins, and through that, let God take the reins.

What the course is about is the point that men need RESPECT like they need air to breathe. They would rather be left alone and unloved out in the cold than be disrespected by peers. Women on the other hand, need LOVE like they need air to breathe. Not that they don't need respect and men don't need love, but it's a different level of need. This is a critical NEED. Women would rather be disrespected by their peers than be left out alone and unloved. (para. Eggerichs)

I was always sure I was a relatively liberated woman, until I heard what he had to say... you may not completely agree with him, but I do think he's doing a lot to teach us not only how to respect and love each other through the vows of marriage, but also how to better parent our sons and daughters. He talks at great length about how the unkind words and tumultuous marriage of his parents led to major insecurities on his part that he has been working his whole life to resolve. I don't ever want my kids to hurt like that.

Update on the kids...
Sophie is battling a sinus infection and also had a biopsy on Thursday of some spots that flared up on her arm. Additionally her oncologist has requested that she come in on Thursday of THIS week to have a few additional biopsies of places on her skin. Eventually we will get some results. The not knowing gets me every time...

Aiden has his own share of issues this week. He has an ear infection (again) because his tubes have dislodged. And, the ENT wants to take his tonsils and adenoids out as well, but we can't seem to get him well enough long enough to do the surgery. She started him on a new antibiotic today and we are hopeful that it will help. For the four days of "healthy" we had this month, I am truly grateful. Here are some pictures from those days....

Goodnight friends,

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