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Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Well I can tell you one thing, it's a LOONG road to normal from this back surgery. I'm relieved to feel better after all the pain I had suffered with for so long, but it's just hard to readjust as well as deal with not being able to pick up my son or travel anywhere for six weeks!
 I had back surgery on 08/08/2011. It was a lumbar laminectomy microsurgery aka. microdiscectomy (see earlier post). I am slowly but surely getting back to normal, but am not on nearly so much medication and the pain is very real, though it does get better with each day. I have read all of the latest fashion magazines, am up to speed on the bridal trends of this year and I know all about a family I never wanted to know named Kardashian. I never thought I'd be so entrenched in pop culture at my age, but that's what happens when you can't do anything. On the bright side of things, I am gradually getting back to normal.

I just wanted to let y'all know we're hanging in there. And, it's not like we haven't had anything newsworthy to talk about, but I am physically challenged when it comes to sitting upright. I will update you more as time goes by and I continue to heal.

Tonight, I just wanted to stop by to say THANK YOU for your prayers and support during the surgery. The flowers and gifts were GORGEOUS! Additionally, I am humbled by the generosity of those of you who brought meals by for us. I am extremely grateful to have such wonderful family and friends right now. Thank you SO SO SO SO much!

Big hugs going out your way tonight friends,

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